What to wear-Pasley Place Photography

Pasley Place Photography

What to Wear

Choose an outfit that you would wear when meeting one of your best clients.  If it is a suit, be sure the jacket fits well.  The camera blatantly shows if seams are straining, or if your shoulders are swimming in extra material.  Choose a solid color or subtle pattern that is somewhat darker than your natural skin tone.  A deep red, gray, green, brown or blue suit jacket is a good choice, as these colors look well in both black and white and color. Under the jacket you can wear a contrasting top with a simple collar such as a jewel neck or traditional shirt collar.  Avoid ruffles, fussy or plunging necklines.  If you are not wearing a jacket, avoid tops that are white, pastel, patterned, striped or with bold prints.  They draw the eye to the clothing instead of the face. Simple, non distracting jewelry, such as stud earrings or a thin necklace, will give you a professional look. In general, avoid dangly earrings, unless they are an integral part of your "look."


Wear solid coloured clothing
Choose muted tones that are a bit subdued
Choose 1-3 colours with similar tones that go nicely together and have everyone work within that colour palette. For example: dark green, navy, and burgundy – all dark jewel tones.  OR tan, a lighter olive green, and denims – all lighter, softer tones.
Establish a base color, then accent with 1 or 2 splashes of color, like yellow or turquoise. Not everyone needs to wear the accent color. For example, the Dad and son might wear grey and black while the girls in the family bring in the color splashes in their outfits. 
Choose a top with sleeves at least to the elbow

Choose long pants for men/ladies or a skirt below the knee for ladies
Choose dark socks and footwear (unless it’s a barefoot photo on the beach)
Keep jewellery simple and minimal

Professional makeup artists are available for your photo session.  Makeup can be arranged through the studio, you can bring your own makeup artist or you can do it yourself. Even if you don't normally wear makeup, it's best to wear it for your photo session.  Use a concealer to minimize blemishes and uneven skin tone.  Wear eye liner and mascara to make your eyes stand out but don't over do it.  Use soft and neutral blush, eye shadow and lipstick colors.  Everyone should use a bit of hair spray on windy days.  It is usually not a good idea to try a new hairstyle for a photo session.  If you want to experiment with a new style or color, you may want to get accustomed to it before your photo session. 

Bring makeup, comb and brush, hair pins and other fasteners to the session for touchups.